Have your say in helping shape a new North Yorkshire community

Members of the public are being invited to help shape a masterplan for a new community proposed for North Yorkshire.

Escrick Park Estate is putting forward a masterplan for a new community called Heronby, off the A19 in the parish of Escrick, between Selby and York. Its vision is to create a carefully masterplanned new settlement, inspired by the character and function of traditional North Yorkshire communities, and fit for the 21st century.

Heronby would have its own market square with a high street, business space, new schools and a broad mix of homes to meet the needs of families, first-time buyers and older people.

The masterplan has been drawn up in light of Selby District Council’s new Local Plan consultation which suggests the provision of one or more new settlements could help meet much of the need for housing and employment space in the area in the years ahead.

Escrick Park Estate’s initial proposals were first unveiled in March this year, when Covid-19 restrictions ruled out face-to-face meetings. A project website at www.heronby.co.uk – which has attracted almost 6,000 individual visitors – was set up, with people able to give their feedback online.

Beilby Forbes Adam, from the Estate, said: “We’re grateful to the thousands of people who took the time to visit the website, and to all those who offered feedback on our initial proposals online, which has been very helpful in guiding our thinking.

“During lockdown we always said we wanted to give local people the opportunity to see our proposals in detail and importantly to discuss them with us in person and share their ideas with us.

“We’re now holding an event at the Escrick & Deighton Club in Escrick village which will be open to the public on Thursday, September 16th and Friday, September 17th.

“To help ensure a steady flow of visitors and sufficient space to view the exhibition we are asking anyone who would like to attend to book online through the project website, or if they don’t have access to the internet, by calling the project helpline on 01904 897456 during office hours.

“For those not able to attend the event, we will also be sharing our latest ideas on the project website from the 16th, and there will be an opportunity to offer feedback online.”

Booking is essential: please visit www.heronby.co.uk for details.

Jake Newman